Woman Body Painting

3 700 

SKU: MDN 090207 89x150 cm Categories: ,

1 in stock

The painting represents female body painting.

In mythical times, the Ancestor Women wandered the territory inhabited by the Warlpiri People. During their journey, they created many geographical objects in this land and also performed ceremonies (dancing, singing and body painting). From them, the Walpiri community learnt how to gather and prepare food.

Mary Dixon Nungurrayi is the senior guardian of this Dreaming. The concentric circles in the center of the image represent the ceremony site. The "u" shapes around it represent seated women. The semi-circles represent patterns painted on women's bodies during the ceremony.

The author is known for using intricate patterns of dots and earth colours. Her works are included in Australian and international collections.

Dimensions 89 × 150 cm