She is a young Pintupi artist from the Tjukurla country in Western Australia. She learned painting from her mother, Joylene Reid. Her grandparents are Walangkura Napurrula and Kalara Tjapangarti.
Marcia Reid
Marcia Reid
Marcia's works are primarily representations of her country in the "Women's Tingari" series and women's sacred places between Kintore and Kiwirrkurra communities in the Western Desert in Central Australia.
Her people performed important ceremonies at these places and told stories of traveling ancestors who in the past gathered at these places to rest, sing, and dance. Marcia's colores chooses tend to reflect more traditional pigments.
Her sense of design and movement demonstrates the close connection between the images she paints and the landscape. Like her mother Joylene, Marcia prides herself on her stippling technique. Marcia and her son live in their home community but also visit Alice Springs often.
The paintings from our collection come first-hand, directly from artists we are friends with, who are among the most important in Australia.
Each painting comes with a certificate of authenticity along with a description of the artist, his work and a photo of his painting.
Embark on a journey through space and time, through endless desert spaces, to the sources of the oldest civilization in the world.